And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
God blessed us today with many workers in the field, preparing for what will surely be a tremendous harvest for His kingdom. One of the day’s highlights was the feeding of over 50. Lunch was taken on the church construction site, thanks to Chief Chef Jacquie, who prepared PBJs (peanut butter and jelly sandwiches) and provided bags of potato chips for the team, local construction crew and neighborhood boys who always show up to help. Chuck gave the devotional on site, explaining how our team always takes time before each and every meal of the day to feast on the Word of God and nourish our soul as well as our bodies.
After lunch, Tom and Michael broke away from construction to organize a soccer game for 24 kids in a nearby field. Following the game, the children combed the field picking up trash and filling three large yellow lawn and leaf bags. The message conveyed during this activity is that the church property is Holy Ground and that we, children included, should help keep it clean.
Juan stepped up the evangelism today as well, sending two teams of two each along with a translator into the local neighborhood to reach out to the lost with the love of Jesus and pray for the needs of the saved. One team prayed over a 4-year-old boy crippled by cerebral palsy and who had recently developed pneumonia. The family had no money for medicine much less the help of a doctor, so the mother was relying solely on God to provide healing.
Another mother and her family didn’t attend church and hadn’t in many years. She wasn’t ready to commit her life to the Lord but readily welcomed us in to her dirt-floor home and was open to hearing the Good News. The team prayed over her, her grandmother and children that the Holy Spirit would move in their hearts and lead them to Christ. We knew He was already working on the family or we wouldn’t have been directed there.
Leaving the site in the late afternoon brought a few tears, as tomorrow will be our last day on the mission field here in Esteli. We have seen many come to the Lord. We have seen many moved to tears by His mercy. We have seen many realize that he is indeed our Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The tears shed were indeed tears of joy.
You have made known to US the path of life; You fill US with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand. Psalm 16:11
The evening ended as always with prayers. We ask that you step up to the same. A few members of our team are feeling the inevitable aches and pains of hard labor. We ask that you pray for continued physical strength and health for all team members as tomorrow we step for one final time during this trip onto that Holy Ground.
To be continued...
Day 2, Saturday, was another marvelous sunny day in Esteli, Nicaragua as we arrived at the church construction site around 7:30 in the morning. Immediately the neighbors came out to greet use and the children flocked around.
Jacquie Wheeler got an early start with the kids making salvation bracelets… a huge hit with the children as the Holy Spirit led 11 of them today to place their trust in Jesus Christ and accept Him as their Lord and Savior. As the men continued to dig the foundation of the church, Jacquie’s group of neighborhood kids removed another seven or eight plastic lawn and leaf bags full of trash from the church property and surrounding area.
Much progress was made again today as Grace Covenant team and local construction crew continue to manually prep the foundation, filling the footers with rock, sand and gravel. On the four corners, concrete (mixed by hand, of course) was poured and smoothed and the rebar columns were set in place.
Despite afternoon temperatures probably in the low to mid 90s, at least it felt like it, Al managed, with the help of many smiling and happy local teens manning wheelbarrows, to move mountains of solid black dirt as hard as concrete away from what will be the inside side of the church to the perimeter of the field to be hauled away later in dump trucks.
,Despite a heavy day of construction work, a couple of Grace folks and a translator, managed to get out in the neighborhood mid-morning for some house visitation. In addition, that afternoon Jacquie and Michael Astorino organized a game of baseball for some two dozen children who were more than happy to show off their fielding and batting abilities. By the way, Jacquie pitched and Michael was behind the plate. Many runs were scored.
All in all, another beautiful day that God made, and so wonderful to be doing His will for His Kingdom, His people and His purpose.
Perhaps Friday’s Convention blog was a bit wordy, but there are not enough words to express how the Holy Spirit has shown up at the Men’s Conference. It is Saturday afternoon and the men’s event has just ended. The men are headed home with more of God with them. This was expressed to us several times over that the men are leaving full of God’s word and new revelations.
After an early breakfast we moved into a worship service that truly shook the ground. Worthy of praise was the worship team made up of youth on fire for God.
Vic Jones opened the day’s teaching with a message that challenged every man with having servant’s hearts and hands. He opened their eyes on how to treat their wives with love and respect. The men responded very well to Vic’s message.
We moved the to session 3, developing the habits of a servant leader. This session went overtime as Butch led it; the men responded to the call to holiness as all,, over 100 men, came forward for prayer – prayer for change in their lives.
At lunch, we were joined by Juan and Chuck who dropped by to verify we were doing what were sent to do.
Finally we closed the conference encouraging the men not to allow the enemy to steral their new life. We passed out all the books on “Leading like Jesus” to an overwhelming outpour of their gratitude.
Llegamos!!! Spanish for “we have arrived. After a very early 4AM start at the airport and making the connections Praise The Lord, we arrived in Managua a little late but anxious, eager and joyful.
A very important part of what we do is to encourage, support and teach each other. A very effective tool we use for this purpose are regular devotions. The first of these was delivered by Butch Blackmon at the Miami airport. His topic was John 13 1:17, Jesus washes His Disciples’ Feet. Butch showed us that it was not just about Jesus being a servant but about Jesus unconditional love in an act of humility, unconditional love in responding to a need, unconditional love forgiving and restoring, unconditional love that repeats itself and unconditional love that brings blessings.
Everyone is in high spirits as we travel to the hotel eager to receive and most important share the Lord’s blessings with our brothers and sisters in this beautiful country. The team of nine men and one woman is bonding with one common purpose, to serve Him, to share His word, to spread His love. As we travel up the roads of Nicaragua I am reminded of Isaiah 52:7. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who say to Zion, Your God reigns.
Tomorrow we will wake up early to start our work. Men will be given confidence in the Lord at the Men’s Conference and the foundation for a new church where His word will be preached will begin. Please continue to support us with your prayers.
Stay tuned!!!!