Today was our first day in construction. As always we are impressed by how much they do with what little they have. The church is situated in the middle of beautiful field, surrounded with vistas of mountains. What an excellent setting for shovels, picks, trowels and other tools being used to build a house for the Lord.
Pastor Gabriel who will be heading that church joined us along with about a dozen other local men in starting the foundation. Rebar was bent, holes for the columns were dug and cement was poured. Impressive work by Lon, Al and David who at that age when they should be resting were working hard and sometimes harder than the young. Praise the Lord for their strength.
The Mens conference team is at the first evening session that is to start later. We already know that dozens of men had already arrived from near and far to hear and be blessed by the messages. we are anxious to know all that happened and we will inform you on that tomorrow.
We are tired but we are filled with Joy that a God who has already has bestowed so many blessings on us would send us here to receive more.
Please continue with your prayers, they lift us up.
What a mighty, wonderful God we serve...
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