Flight 944: Depart CHARLOTTE at 7:10 AM
Arrive in ATLANTA at 8:30 AM
Flight 369: Depart ATLANTA at 10:00 AM
Arrive in MANAGUA at 12:05 PM
Return flight - October 10, 2011
Flight 370: Depart MANAGUA at 1:05 PM
Arrive in ATLANTA at 6:53 PM
Flight 1442: Depart ATLANTA at 9:07 PM
Arrive in CHARLOTTE at 10:26 PM
We are on our way to the airport with full heart of what the Lord has spoken to us, ministered through us, and did among us. Next communique will be upon landing in Atlanta. Can't wait to share the stories.
Part of the spinach grown here is sold to the community to help sustain these gardens.
Momma Johann says to all Harvest of Hope supporters, "Thank you and keep up the good work. You are hope-givers."
Giving the "Grannie Garden" a little facelift. It's called the Grannie Garden because the grandmothers who are tending to this garden are raising food for their grandchildren. The grandchildren's parents have died of HIV.
Eating the spinanch today...future gardeners?
What a beautiful, sacred way to end our time with the Body of Christ tonight. We taught on the first three parts of the Tabneracle and after repentance, we offered a washing of their hands and anointed their hands for service. We left them a "servant" towel from or Sevolution service. It was powerful!
We ministered to people living in the city dump this morning. It was too complicated to distribute dresses individually, so we left over 100 dresses with Pastor Genia to distribute at Christmas. Pastor Genia was thrilled to have these beautiful dresses, for these girls and young moms haven't anything as nice as these dresses. In December it will be very hot, so the dresses will be a double blessing.
The team spent our last day holding a medical clinic and praying for people house by house in extremely poor community, La Chriza. One of the recent graduates of the Bible Institute has planted a church in this unreached barrio of 5000. Amazed that we treated 244 patients out of this 12x12 church and extra tarp. Again, the gratitide of the people was overwhelming.
When we ended the day with prayer over us by Pastor Ruben Amador and his wife,Pastora, they commented, "We are always praying for the people at Grace Covenant, who we admire so much. In our spirit's we know each of you."
Before we started packing our bags to head home, some were moved to tears as we shared with other our God experiences.
Here's how some in the team answered: Because I served on this mission's trip I...
...have more Jesus in me.
...am praying aloud.
...return home filled with joy.
...know I am able to hear God's voice
...know that even though it's difficult to step out of your comfort zone, it's worth it ...Was accepted by everyone on this team and I was healed of the hurt of being rejected by some other groups of peers.
...Know for sure I'm called to be a missionary
...Saw humanity through God's eyes.
Thank you for your prayers. By the time many read this, we will on the journey home.
Believing God to touch this young man who is deaf and mute. He had recently fallen off a bicycle and we think he had a collapsed lung. We paid for him to get to the nearest town to get a chest x-ray. Even in his pain, he had the sweetest countenance which touched all our hearts.
The people at today's clinic were grateful. No mission team has ever been to Pueblo Neuvro. Their medical and spiritual needs were great. The anointing on the evangelism area was amazing seeing. 154 people said "yes" to following Jesus.
As the team reflected on the day, here were some comments:
Nothing like different people praying for each other.
We got to serve 300 children at our second day of VBS. It's hard to believe that 7 years ago we partnered with about 7 or 8 inexperienced children's ministry leaders and today we served with 29 such leaders, many of whom have graduated from the children's ministry certication program. All the leaders received "Service Awards" at VBS, which was a great honor for them.
Puppets always bring the room alive