The day starts early with devotions. We are anxious to start the work the Lord sent us here to do and at the same time realizing that our work began the moment we said, "Lord, here I am, Send me" (Isaiah 6:8). In the morning we visit the site of the church we began constructing last year and pray with Pastor Douglas that the Lord will provide what they need to finish. After that we wash up and change clothes to head to Foursquare Church Number 1 where Pastor Butch (here called Pastor Bush" delivers a strong message.
Tomorrow our formal presentations to more than 200 men some who will travel for more than 150 miles to hear us. Matt will be the first up who will speak on Unity, followed by Lon on Purity and then Dean on Love. Please pray for these three men and the rest of the team that the Lord will grant us HIS words.
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