
Thursday, July 19, 2012

WowJam Detroit 2012 Day3 - WOW event



First - with an 80% chance of rain and especially the idea that 1.5" of Rain was to fall during the 4 to 6 time frame - THE precise time for the WOW event.  Halleluiah - not only did the rain come and go while we were meeting together inside, God kept the clouds there to keep it cool - temps around 78-80.  GOD IS GREAT!

Stephen encourages to lay aside the things of this world that so easily entangle us and encumber us to serve.  We should lay the unnecessary things aside so we can LOVE the people who came to day........ 

Second, - we were blessed to have a local bike shop donate labor and supplies for the day along with a team made up of brothers from Cornerstone City Church(local host church) and Work of Life Church(Fontana CA).  The team repaired 30 bikes.  We were blessed to be a part of blessing with a bike we were able to supply to a woman who no longer had a car and now her daughter will be able to make it to her job.  Praise the Lord...... HE DOES IT AGAIN.. 

Finally, with more than a thousand people in attendance (man the covered the grounds) we saw 343 salvations.  I hear it now.....dancing, shouting , rejoicing in heaven...

Stephen then followed up with some fun - Pie eating........... 
Topping off the evening the entire WOW team was treated to a Jumble-ye pasta(I am sure the spelling is wrong - doesn't matter  - IT WAS GOOD), Bread pudding with sauce and so many other fixings from our caterer, Glenn Guidry and his team from New Orleans.  They had already provided us Red Beans and Rice(New Orleans Style) for lunch.

Now we head back to our hotel for some sleep is preparation for a day of Food packing and seeing Detroit.

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