Today was another fantastic day at the Sonshine Center! We had quite a few things to do today! We unloaded a truck full of boxes, sorted clothes, stained decks, trimmed more bushes, and threw a fall party for the kids. God blessed us with an amazing group that was equipped with the skills to get all this done.
Unloading boxes. |
Lots of boxes to unload! |
All done! |
Clearing out some wood. |
Organizing the many boxes, with a smile! |
Decorating for the Fall party. |
Decorating! |
Staining the deck! |
Clearing briers and brush from the creek. |
After finishing the projects, the team took a prayer walk on trail that one of Ms. Mary's sons had cleared out. It was incredibly powerful, we stopped at the cross her son had made and prayed over our team members who needed it. It was a great moment. I'm so thankful for our team and for all the things God has done for us.
The cross at the top of the prayer walk.
We came back from our prayer walk and threw a fall party for all the children. It's great to see them and enjoy the time together.
The team was blessed to hear Ms. Mary's testimony after the party. She's so incredible! We are very thankful to be able to serve her and her family this weekend.
The team is heading home tomorrow morning. Please keep us in your prayers for safe travels!
"Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, me servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me." ~ John 12:26
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