
Monday, June 20, 2011

Tent City in Tabarre

Distributed at least 60 dresses in a tent city in Tabarre. Every girl and mother was prayed over. Joy and laughter when receiving a new dress is universal. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project. The prayers that have accompanied the dresses we believe have set destinies towards God. Scripture says "the fervent prayers of the righteous accomplishes much."

In a tent city near the church, the men repaired tents and put on fresh tarps, which were greatly appreciated.

Monday - Heading back to Port-au-Prince

As the team left for Port au Prince, they prayed for Pastor Mark and the summer mission teams serving in Haiti that he will shepherd. They arrived safely back in Port-au-Prince and will serve in a tent city this afternoon.


Praying for Pastor Cassamejor and future of the church.

Sunday school.

Finishing church service and heading to orphanage.

At the orphanage the guys took 15 boys over to the church to surprise them with new soccer goal. What a hit!

The the team sang and sang, with the girls handing out 43 dresses and pray over each girl. Perfect day!

A little Sunday afternoon break in the Caribbean...

... and then it rained.

Saturday Dinner

GCC Haiti team enjoying goat stew after accomplishing lots of projects at the church/orphange site. Looking forward to worshipping with our Haitian family on Sunday.

Saturday night team answers to question: "best thing about today was..."

...Working alongside the Haitian people and seeing them invest sweat equity into new church/orphanage.

...Watching the Haitian people, even children hungry to learn new skills as they worked with us.

...Praying for Matthew, a deaf and mute young man, putting our faith into action asking for a miracle on his behalf

...Rafters going up with one cut

...The opportunties through-out the day to inpart hope...there's nothing like hope.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday Update

Starting another beautiful work day in Jeremie. Hoping to get lots completed on the church/orphanage today.

Teaching the Haitian men new skills is an exciting part of our assignment. It's great to see two churches working together to advance the Kingdom.

When we are with children, we are building the orphange, for we know we can serve in what are challenging conditions one more day. Their futures are the why.

Friday Update

What is so fascinating about chicken wire going on a church? We don't think Haitians have seen women doing it. We had quite an audience.

Working on entrance to church/orphanage.

Measure twice, cut once.

Some time for is an anytime sport...even in a garbage area.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Team Is Together

From Pastor Michelle: Yeah...we are all together as one team, working on the church and orphanage in Jeremie!

Update from Pastor Michelle

The ladies joined the men in Jeremie this morning. We arrived safely but our bags will not arrive until tomorrow. That was an interesting twist.

Thursday afternoon, after a flat tire in the rain, our ladies team partnered with Pastor Brian McDonald, with Cross to the Light Ministry, in a tent city of well over 5000.

With his team of 14 young Haitian leaders enrolled in the school of ministry providing security, we distributed about 90 dresses; but the beautiful thing is, each girl's destiny was called forth in personal prayer. Then, with the crowd gathered, Pastor Brian shared the Gospel. What a glorious afternoon.

Psalm 41:1 says "Happy are those who think about the poor.". We are all so happy right now.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Update from Pastor Michelle

We just finished our Morning at King's Hospital (Methodist Hospital). Dr Morquette, who is a surgeon here and has a ministry headquartered in Gastonia, gave us a history of Haiti that was mesmorizing. (Photo of team)

When sharing prayer requests for the nation, Dr. Morquette admonished US churches and organizations to show Haitians how to have a thriving country again by helping them develop plans they can impliment. And, while supporting in this way, encourage people to put their faith in God not people.

My heart was smiling as we listened, because having watched Foursquare here over the last year, I see that is what our church at large is trying to do with all the sustainable projects being established at the churches. Still we need to pray for even more people to bring training for creative enterprises.

The hospital has an orphanage with 22 children, but they also feed 110 children each day. The dresses once again were a true blessing and we left many with Dr. Morquette and his wife to continue to distribute.

Posting from Men's Team

All the men chose to set up tents and sleep outside due to the heat. Little did we know we would be awaken with a storm in the middle of the night but we all survived the mangos falling overhead and rain.

Our first day was great we visited the orphanage and the kids blessed us with songs of welcome. Additionally, as we started our work we had several observers that have a high anticipation of the completion of building. Throughout the day Haitians gazed into windows in the heat to watch the Americans work. Can't wait to move the orphans into their new home. It will be 5-star facility. Praise God!

Day two - Before We Started Working

Posting from Ladies' Team

As we gathered Wednesday night to give thanks to the Lord for His guidance and grace, we asked ourselves this questions... What amazed us today?

Whether it was our simple skit about Jesus raising the little girl to life (Matt. 15) or the Bible Study at the new church, the Haitians "believed" what we said about the Lord. We watched the power of the Gospel captivate. Thank You Holy Spirit.

There is an indescribable power in something as simple as a dress, made in love and given in love.

The schools in the refuge camps and in the churches lacked electricity and supplies, but the children were so glad to be in school. An education is precious here.

The newly erected church in Tabarre is a symbol of hope, and a blessing to the community.

FYI - Not one woman screamed when the mouse ran through the dining hall

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Men Arrive in Jeremie

The men arrived safley in Jeremie.

Pillowcase Dresses

The ladies have been to 3 schools distributing dresses. Two of the schools are in refugee camps. The dresses release joy among the girls. They will be going to an orphanage and another refugee camp this afternoon.

Haiti Base Camp

The team had a great night of sleep after a time of freshly surrendering our hearts and hands to Jesus. Here' a little photo tour of the base camp in Port au Prince. The fellows head out for Jeremie in just a few minutes. It's going to be a good day "getting our serve on." 1Peter 4:10

Team's Lovely Accomodations at the Port-au-Prince Base Camp

Bedroom... Hait Base Camp Style

Base Camp Kitchen and Dining Room

Guys Getting Ready to Leave for Jeremie

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June Haiti Missions Team On Thier Way

The team in Miami waiting on their flight to Port-au-Prince. They're excited to see what the Lord has in store for them today. Several people have asked them,"What is Servolution?" They have had lots of fun answering the question.