
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Final Day of Conference

Final Day of the Conference, tomorrow early, but not too early, we fly home.

Our Brother Aaron writes the following:

Wow what an awesome final day to the Men’s Foursquare Leadership Conference here in Esteli, Nicaragua. Over one hundred men heard the messages from three team members today.
Juan spoke first on being the “Light” of Christ in this world. His testimony was quite powerful – you can tell that Juan is a man who has a deep desire to share God’s truth with other men.
I had the honor and privilege of speaking second. I spoke on “Harmony” in the home and in the church. A key to harmony in the home is affirming our spouses. I had the men at the conference spend a few minutes building one another up in Christ, as often we forget about how awesome each one of us is in the eyes of God.
Tom Simonson spoke last on “Victory” explaining how we as men need to put on the full armor of God, if we are going to have success in this life. Tom also gave every one of the men a one-year reading plan in Spanish, that also serves as a bookmark, to help them remember to read the Word every day.
The conference concluded with the gift of a book on how men can be leader in all areas of their lives. It will be sad to leave, but every one of the men on this trip poured their hearts out – every man gave their all for the sake of the Gospel. The Good News was proclaimed and men’s lives were forever changed. We look forward to hearing the mighty things God will do in the coming year in the lives of these Nicaraguan me, both in their families and in their churches!

Our Brother Tom writes the next report:

It was a joy to see many familiar faces as I spoke to the men of Nicaragua today. I was fortunate to be able to provide a brief recap after each session. This gave me a chance to work out the jitters before I shared the message at our final session! More importantly, it gave me special insight into the words the Lord gave each of our team members. The heartfelt words that each shared were so interwoven, only He could have been the author! Experiences were shared, tears were shed, and we were bonded together through the common language we share through our God our Father. I'm ready to come home, but can't wait until next year...

Our work, HIS work through us in Nicaragua is now done. So many more stories and blessings than we can write. Now pray for our travel mercies.

Thank you.


Lights Out!!!

Greetings from Nicaragua

Sorry this blog is late, the reasons will be revealed in a moment.

The time came to start our formal presentations. After an introduction of the team by Butch and of course prayer Matt kicked us off on the topic of Unity. His presentation went overwhelmingly well that many came to the front for continued prayer.

Soon we were a little behind and we were asked to limit Lon's presentation on Purity to finish at an exact time as dinner was waiting. Here is Lon's report:

What a night and what a difference twelve or fifteen minutes can make. The time allotted for my task had to be shortened because a meal was coming up right behind me. I decided to abandon my script altogether ad speak on the subject extemporaneously. The men were really engaged. Later, one of the Pastors, with tears in his eyes said to me “Thank you”, for that message God spoke to my heart, he meant that message just for me. God knows what he is doing. Lon

OK so now are in the midst of our presentations and the lights go out!!! Not just in our conference area but he whole town. Did that stop us? No!!! By the light of three very small flashlights, we continued. Not a man walked out, we could not see much except perhaps beating in expectation of what would come next. Here is Dean's report:

What an incredible experience! Under different circumstances, the changing agenda could have dampened the energy in the room. Not with this group of Godly men! even though at times I couldn't see them, and my talk followed a full meal that took us into the evening, the rousing response to Gods word was energizing. The room was dark, but the Holy Spirit illuminated the hearts of the participants! Dean.

Hmm, the Lord is surely playing laughing with us as tomorrow's first topic to be presented by Juan is..... you guessed it!!! "Light". It will be followed by Aaaron on "Harmony" then Tom on "Victory". Keep sending prayers...

Friday, October 7, 2011

And so we begin...

The day starts early with devotions. We are anxious to start the work the Lord sent us here to do and at the same time realizing that our work began the moment we said, "Lord, here I am, Send me" (Isaiah 6:8). In the morning we visit the site of the church we began constructing last year and pray with Pastor Douglas that the Lord will provide what they need to finish. After that we wash up and change clothes to head to Foursquare Church Number 1 where Pastor Butch (here called Pastor Bush" delivers a strong message.

Tomorrow our formal presentations to more than 200 men some who will travel for more than 150 miles to hear us. Matt will be the first up who will speak on Unity, followed by Lon on Purity and then Dean on Love. Please pray for these three men and the rest of the team that the Lord will grant us HIS words.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Nicaragua, we have arrived

While the majority of you were tucked away in the comforts and warmth of your homes seven men woke up very early. Some may have bid a quiet good bye and prayer to their families, others prayed with them for a moment and then drove the quiet dark streets to the airport to the first part of a journey called by God. Before six this morning these magnificent seven men they met for their flight to Nicaragua.

Magnificent Seven they are Aaron, Butch, Dean, Juan, Lon, Matt and Tom not because of who they are but because of who the know, who they love and who they follow. They follow Our Lord Jesus and his call to bring his message to the men of Nicaragua. Hundreds of books tucked away in their luggage but more important the words of our Lord tucked away in their hearts. The words that they will lay upon the hearts of Church Pastors and Leaders during the men's conference they have planned for months but the Lord planned since before time.

After an unscheduled "equipment check" stop in Orlando, Florida they arrived in Managua perhaps a bit tired by the journey but eager to start. By the grace of the Lord they are in Nicaragua, sustained by your donations and prayers.

To be continued...

Team Has Arrived

The Nicaragua Fall Missions Team has arrived in Nicaragua, later than scheduled but they arrived safely.